Sunday, December 1, 2013

December 1 Creation: Gen. 1:1-31; 2:1-4

Today, the first day of Advent marks the story of the first day of creation. When I read the story of creation in Genesis, it struck me that the story may not only be about the world, but about each of us. The message I read was that God made man in his own image and likeness. We were darkness and He brought light. We were powerless - He gave us dominion. This is a day to celebrate nature - the nature God intended for us. Each morning, I try to remind myself of the song "How great thou art." When I open my eyes, I think about those words- "Oh, Lord, my God. When I in awesome wonder - consider all the worlds thine hands have made" How great thou art. Wow. Each cloud - white or dark. Each rain drop, liquid or frozen. Each blade of grass. Every bird. Every animal. It is awe-inspiring to think of all the worlds our God has made for us. I am humbled beyond words to think about a God who loves me enough to give me a sunset every single day and a sunrise every morning - though, I admit, I don't often rise to watch that particular miracle. Thank you God for all the worlds thine hands have made for us. Thank you for letting me see what you want me to see and experience what you want me to experience. My enjoyment of your gifts may be very different from that of my family or friends in northern states, but I vividly remember the joy of crisp air and the first snow fall. I love the bright sunshine and the warm breezes on my face. It's a wonderful world God. Thank you.

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