Tuesday, December 17, 2013

December 17 Jesus is Wisdom: Sirach (or Ecclesiasticus in old Bibles) 24:2; Wisdom 8:1

Throughout the remainder of the Jesse Tree days, each passage will be about Jesus. These may be a little more challenging to write because they are not necessarily about people - but concepts. Jesus is Wisdom. According to the passages, Wisdom is not afraid to make herself known.  (Wisdom is depicted as female - sorry guys.) She stands in front of God and His angels. She spans the entire world and governs all things well. And Jesus is Wisdom.

I'm really relying on the Holy Spirit for this one today. The passages aren't much to go by. Single sentences. That's it. My first thought when I read the passages are that Wisdom must not be present in our current government structure. I don't get the feeling that Wisdom argues over petty things or makes decisions based on political polls. Wisdom doesn't worry about popularity. Wisdom just knows. Knows what's right and what's wrong. What's good and what's bad. What's just and unjust.

I believe we all have our share of Wisdom. We just sometimes don't call upon her when we are making decisions. Sometimes, she asserts herself as if she was standing in front of God. At those times, when we are heading down a path that we know is wrong, Wisdom is the one making our stomachs grumble and our heads ache and our pulses quicken. Wisdom is the one asking, "What are you doing and why are you doing this?"

When we think of Wisdom as Jesus, it gets even more complicated. As Christians, we want to develop and maintain that relationship with Jesus. We want to do what He commands. But here's the conundrum. Jesus speaks in a quiet voice. We only hear Jesus when we are quiet enough to listen. Wisdom can be a bit more demanding. It's easier for us to say, "I just didn't hear what Jesus wanted." It's much harder to say, "I didn't realize that Wisdom was telling me not to...." Of course, my nearly 14 year old son has a very difficult time understanding Wisdom. I'm beginning to believe that Wisdom has chosen to speak a foreign language to him.  He and many of his friends do not understand Wisdom. They believe Humor and Wisdom are the same. Why did you.....? "Because I thought it would be funny!" Sigh. I do believe I read somewhere that Wisdom does regain a foothold in boys brains at around the age of 25. Only 11 more years.

But here's the thing about Wisdom and Jesus. As a parent, I am obligated to try and translate Wisdom to my son (and my daughter of course, but remember, Wisdom is a she, so they speak the same language most of the time.) It's best if I do it in Jesus' gentle manner. I also have to figure out the best time for him to be receptive and to listen. When we share Wisdom, that's the key. Timing and delivery are everything.

I'm praying hard for Wisdom. This Christmas, I want to do something. Wisdom seems to be struggling with this decision. It feels right...every part of it. But there's a tiny voice that's casting doubt. Not sure if that's Wisdom or fear putting the doubts in my head. I'm going to pray long and hard about it and pray that the decision I make is what Jesus as Wisdom would want.

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