Monday, December 23, 2013

December 23 Jesus is Emmanuel: Isaiah 7:14; 33:22

Jesus is Emmanuel  - God with us. This is the ultimate fulfillment of the words of Isaiah. He clearly stated that a virgin would bear a son and call Him Emmanuel. When I was younger, I thought that this was a glitch in the system. Why didn't Mary call him Emmanuel if that's what Isaiah said she would call him that. I found the loophole. How in the world could this be the prophesy fulfilled when she called him Jesus. Fortunately, youthful challenges can be defeated. When the angel came to Mary, he told her to name him Jesus. Clear, straightforward. Isaiah was referring to what all would call Jesus - not what He would be named. Jesus is God with us! Jesus' nature and being was prophesied in many ways and by many titles. It wasn't until the Angel Gabrielle made it official that Emmanuel's name would be Jesus.

But what does God with us really mean? Think about that for a minute. God - our creator, our redeemer, our King is with us. Put that into perspective for a minute. Think of all our earthly "Kings" and imagine how we would feel if they were here, living with us every day. What if Pope Francis, or King Charles or King James (LeBron, of course ... that's a "king" my son would be impressed with) decided to move into our neighborhoods and live like us. It would be startling, wouldn't it? For these very special people to lower themselves to be one of us, wow. God did just that.

When Jesus became man, He allowed himself to understand everything we go through. Mothers know that Mary can relate to what they go through from childbirth to child death, and everything in between. We can talk to Mary as a mother because she was one - because of Jesus. Fathers can talk to Joseph as a father, because he was one - because of Jesus. Jesus became one of us in every sense of the word. He showed us selflessness beyond measure. He showed us love unparalleled. And He's still with us today. Every day. Our only burden is making sure we recognize Him.

Back in Jesus' day, it was easy to see Him. He was flesh and blood. But yet, still many did not see Him for who He was. As Catholics, we can see Jesus every day as well - in flesh and blood - at Mass. Our Holy Eucharist is not a symbol. It's God. Body, blood, soul and divinity. Our judge, our caregiver, our King. God with us!

My prayer today is to recognize Jesus in the Eucharist. I want to recognize Emmanuel at Mass. Sometimes we grow so accustomed to receiving Communion that it becomes routine. I pray that Catholics everywhere can see Christ in the Eucharist. For those who are not Catholic, I pray that you find Jesus in your lives in a very real sense every day. If we can truly do this, our souls will be satisfied. Our hearts will sing. Our lives will be forever changed every day.