Monday, December 2, 2013

December 2 Adam and Eve: Gen. 2:7-9, 18-24

Today's message focuses only on Adam and Eve. No serpent. No apple. Just the two first human beings. I keep reflecting on the fact that God had a pretty important plan for Eve. If it was just to procreate, there would have been no reason to add love and companionship to the mix. I'm thinking about those first days. Imagine how wonderful it really was. Those days before sin. Imagine being Adam and waking up to find Eve. The first male human being and the first female human being. Eve is flesh of his flesh, bone of his bone. Eve is the first one who could look back at him and gaze into his eyes. None of the other creatures had that ability. If you have any doubts about this, try to gaze into your dog's or cat's eyes. It won't work. They may gaze at you when you aren't looking, but as soon as you lock eyes with them, they will turn away. What were those first days (weeks? years? decades? who knows how long it went?) like? Because they had no shame, the first man and woman were more like children. They had no baggage, no worries, no troubles to impede their enjoyment of earth's bounty and each other. They probably frolicked. I don't remember the last time I frolicked with my husband. Like children, they probably played. They raced and hid from each other, pet animals, climbed trees, rolled in the grass, splashed in the water, got dirty. Pre-serpent was a wonderful time. Pre-serpent time was like that exciting first date, the heady courtship phase of a relationship, the honeymoon phase of the marriage. My personal belief is that the Adam and Eve story is symbolic, not literal. Adam and Even symbolize that first man and woman to whom God granted a soul, compassion, feelings and emotions. Tomorrow's entry will talk about when He introduced free-will into the mix,but for now, the first two humans were like children. My goal for today is to start trying to look at life as through the eyes of a child. Enjoy the wonder of the world, be grateful for the abundant gifts I receive every day. Gaze into the eyes of my beloved and thrill in the ever-changing joyful world I live in. I wish the same for all who read this. Let's go frolick!

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