Thursday, December 5, 2013

December 5 Abraham: Gen. 12:1-3

Abram is how he started. Abraham is how he finished. I always find it fascinating that when God called some of his followers, they got a whole new name. Surrender everything, including the name you've known for 75 years. Then, God told him to do something that even a much younger person may have been hesitant to do. Pick up everything and move. Just move everything to a new land. You won't know anyone, but eventually, this land will go to all of your offspring. Oh, and you'll be blessed. If anyone doesn't bless you, I'll curse them. If they bless you, I'll bless them.

I chose this symbol for Abraham because I believe it captures the thoughts of Abraham. He doesn't look worried so much as he looks to the sky. He isn't worried necessarily about what he has to do, but is considering how he will do it. He was an old man. Imagine that conversation with Sarai, his wife. And his father who was surely much older still. "Honey, we have to go now. Pack everything you have, bring your people - Dad, you'll be fine here without me. Good bye." Whew. But those promises from God sure were compelling. He said, "Your offspring..." How could that be? Abram didn't have any children. When he left, he brought his wife and his nephew. No mention of sons. And of course, his wife was way too old to have children, so what could God possibly mean when he referred to his offspring inheriting the earth?

It is that faith that was so prevalent in the Old Testament that always intrigues me. Maybe its the way in which it was delivered. Perhaps if God stood in front of us in a pillar of fire or clouds or if he spoke out loud to us we'd be more likely to comply easily. Maybe God spoke to Abraham in his mind when he was praying, but the line says, "The Lord said to Abraham...." In other biblical accounts of God's discussions with people, it clearly says if its through dreams or visions or while they were praying, so it appears that this discussion happened between God and Abraham as it would between friends.

It is our challenge to block out all the noise we hear in our minds and hearts and work hard to LISTEN to what God is asking of us. Imagine the promises we might be missing because our minds are so cluttered with nonsensical things and worries. Then, when we do hear the voice of God, even if it's a tiny whisper, we have to have the courage to say, "OK God, whatever you want."

Some people believe they are too old to change. Too old to improve. Too old to try something different. I believed that for a while when I was working at a job that was unfulfilling and heard God's voice urging me to "Depend on Him." I was unhappy with my job and begged God for two years to show me the way, but the only answer I heard back from Him was, "Depend on me." I argued with God for a long time, saying, "I am depending on you! What do you want me to do?" His maddening reply was, "Depend on me." It took me two years to finally open my eyes and realize He meant, "Depend Solely On Me!" I thought, "I'm 42 years old, God. Are you really saying that I should quit my secure job and steady paycheck in the middle of a recession?" I believe He smiled then because the light bulb finally went on in my head. He simply said, "Depend on me."

As soon as I actually acknowledged what He said and what He meant, I did what He instructed. I spoke to my husband who was amazingly supportive, I quit my job and I started my own business. The blessings have never stopped since. Whenever I get stressed out or worried, I remember his words, "Depend on me!" and things just work out.

So today's reflection for me is to try and really listen to what God is telling me to do. I'm not expecting a voice from Heaven or a pillar of anything, I just need to surrender my worries and concerns and always Depend on Him! And I didn't even have to change my name!

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