Sunday, December 22, 2013

December 22 Jesus is King of the Gentiles: Psalm 2:7-8; Ephesians 2:14-20

Jesus is the King of the Gentiles. When I first started thinking about today's passage, my thoughts went immediately to Pope Francis. Jesus is the God of everyone. Of course, so many news media sources jumped on the "controversy" when the Pope seemed to be accepting of a gay lifestyle and even was open to atheists. How scandalous and shocking. Probably just as shocking as it was to the Pharisees when Jesus opened his mind and heart to prostitutes and tax collectors. I was going to try and write today's passage as one of acceptance and tolerance. There's plenty of fodder for that these days. However, in my humble opinion, most of the tolerance issues are not those that the mainstream say we have, but I believe there is an anti-tolerance issue against Christians.

But then, I realized - this is not a political blog. Then it really hit me. Jesus as King of the Gentiles is not about THEM. It's about US. Yes - look in the mirror. Unless you are an Israelite; unless you descended directly from one of the twelve tribes of Jacob; unless you are're a Gentile. That's the category I fall into. I'm a Gentile.  And Jesus is my King.

The recommended symbol for today is a crown or scepter. When I came across the crown of thorns and the Israeli prayer shawl, I thought it symbolized Jesus' Kingship even better than one with diamonds and rubies. Jesus spent his time with the chosen ones. He was a Jew. He opened his mind and heart and love to every person who came into His presence and He continues to do so today. His death was for every one of us. He did not discriminate against Irish woman. Although I am unworthy of everything He has given to me. He said that He became my father and would give me an inheritance that far exceeds anything I could imagine.

The bible passage for today says that Jesus broke down walls and barriers. He came to preach peace to those who were far and those who were near. Through His crown of thorns, He became the great equalizer. He became not only the King of the Jews, but the King of the Gentiles as well. We are no longer foreigners or strangers. We are fellow citizens and members of God's household. Each one of us.

My prayer today is to help me remember that I too am a Gentile. I hope today that as I encounter all other Gentiles that I can share the love of Jesus and enjoy His inheritance with all of my Gentile brothers and sisters.


  1. Colleen that is a false statement. Jesus is King of Kings. He is King of the Jews. However he is not King of the Gentiles for He is not a gentile. Because He is King of Kings He reigns over Israelites and Gentiles on the Godly plane. He is King of the Israelites on an earthly plane. Hope this helps! :)

  2. Hummm interesting but where are the Bible references to cover your statement.
    I've heard this but can not find a Bible reference alluding to this Statement..
